Principal Investigator- Dr. Mukesh Lodha
Post-Junior Research Fellow
Duration-Sep 2018-Jan 2020
Project entitled: “Epigenetic regulation Of Arabidopsis root stem cell niche.”
- I have worked towards optimizing CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing in Arabidopsis. I was involved in characterization of a suitable promoter for expression of the cas9 gene in Arabidopsis. I have worked on 6 different promoters out of which 4 were pre-designed when I joined the lab and 2 were included after my literature survey. Other than my project, I have also assisted PhDs of the lab with a small part in their individual projects.
Technical expertise:
- DNA/RNA Techniques: Isolation of plasmids and genomic DNA, Primer design and site directed mutagenesis, Blue-white screening, cloning of genes, PCR, Primer extension, Total RNA isolation, RT-PCR and gene expression analysis, gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9.
- Biochemical techniques: Estimation of proteins and nucleic acids, UV-visible spectroscopy.
- Protein Techniques: SDS-PAGE, Western blotting.
- Microbial Techniques: Bacterial Transformation (E. coli and A.tumefaciens), Genetic mapping of mutations, culturing bacterial strains forexperimental purposes. Preliminary experience in Arabidopsis genetics.
- Plant handling: Arabidopsis plant maintenance (sterile and non-sterile conditions), plant transformation by floral dip method, transient expression of plasmid in Nicotiana Benthamiana leaves, Arabidopsis protoplast isolation and transformation, Wheat Hybridisation Procedures and Field Experiments.