Principal Investigator- Dr. Anjan K. Banerjee
Post- M.Sc Dissertation Student
Duration-Nov2017 - Apr2018
Project entitled: “Identification, Amplification and Cloning of Solanum Tuberosum Nonexpressor of Pr Gene 1 (Stnpr1) in Binary Vector pBI121”.
- NPR1 is a very important gene which plays a crucial role in the defence response and establishment of SAR in the plants. NPR1 has been under a very extensive study for past few years and has been characterised in various plant species. There are no transgenic lines available overexpressing the same in any potato variety. My dissertation project involved Identification of NPR1 in Solanum tuberosum, bioinformatic analysis along with its
Amplification and Cloning of StNPR1 in sub cloning vector(pGEMT-Easy) and binary vector(pBI121).
Technical expertise:
- DNA/RNA Techniques: Inoculation, Isolation of plasmids and genomic DNA, Primer design and site directed mutagenesis, Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree total RNA isolation and cDNA preparation by RT-PCR.
- Microbial Techniques: Bacterial Transformation (E. coli and A.tumefaciens), Genetic mapping of mutations, Competent cell preparation, culturing and sub culturing phytophthora infesta for potato infestation.
- Bioinformatic analysis: Identification of a novel gene in Solanum tuberosum with the help of protein and nucleotide blast taking Arabidopsis thaliana as a reference and its analysis, Identifying ORF in a given polypeptide, Determination of reading frame, exons and introns of gene, primer designing.
- Plant handling- Basics of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree plant handling its sub culturing.